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  • Digital Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

    The studio will address immersive data-interaction technologies as means of recording, representing, translating, and communicating the phenomena in urban and landscape design processes. The course goes beyond classic representation methods based on physical models made from cardboard or clay and well-established digital techniques framed by 2D GIS and 3D CAD. Accordingly, the aim of the […]
  • Performative Patterns of High Density

    Digital design is driven by thinking in structures and systems, translated into structures and systems, translated into pattern of order and their interaction. The studio is an introduction into such a design thinking and emphasizes the exploration of spatial organizational pattern in various levels of abstraction and scale through the integration of computational methods and […]
  • Structuralism

    Rethinking the future of Hernesaari: Within the studio we are using the spatial context of Hernesaari as a testing ground for speculative computational design methods. Each team will be assigned a ‘slice’ of Hernesaari as a field of intervention. We are looking for experimental explorations on various scales formulating new approaches for future-oriented waterfront developments. […]
  • Singapore Hawker Center

    Digital design is driven by thinking in structures and systems, translated in patterns of order and their interaction. The joint studio is an introduction into such design thinking and emphasizes the exploration of spatial organizational patterns, in various levels of abstraction and scale through the integration of computational methods and workflows. The studio is part […]
  • Structuralism

    Project area: City of Concepción in Chile, with special focus on the urban edge to the river Andalién Scale: working across scales: from S to XL (1:50 – 1:2000) Task: experimental explorations at the interplay between the city Concepción and the Andalién River in various scales. The joint studio allows students to both explore and […]