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  • Venice Biennial Architecture Exhibition : Performative Patterns of High Density – Sustainable Visions Between Architecture and Land-scape, showcased at “Time Space Existence” – The European Cultural Centre in Venice

    Performative Patterns of High Density-Sustainable Visions Between architecture and Land-Scape


    Today, more people live in urban areas than in rural as our planet has gone through rapid urbanization in recent decades. This process of urbanization is affecting not only our condition of living, the social, the economic, the political, the cultural, but also the environmental. Traditionally, urban life has been perceived as an escape from natural conditions, the urban in opposition to nature. We are increasingly becoming aware that urban development has to be understood as a development within nature and in interaction with nature. This requires a rethinking of the design of our future cities. The urban as land-scape, as prosthetic nature.

    The presented design speculations are driven by thinking in structures and systems, informed by the underlying flow of various data streams and translated in a pattern of order and interactions. However, the goal is not a technological mimicry of nature and the urban as a simulation of the natural surrounding but rather a creative investigation into natural patterns of interaction, into patterns of regularity as a driver for design interventions. The urban space should be a created ground that expands the inherent logic and functionality of nature and challenges the traditional understanding of densification strategies enhanced by eco-system services. Landscape and natural processes are understood as a fundamental set of transitional concepts that operate on fields and boundary conditions. Reading the urban fabric as dynamic network systems with different contextual layers, allows an analysis of patterns linked with transitional and temporal elements of landscape systems

    https://ecc –


    Project Team

    Pia Fricker (Aalto University, Helsinki) Toni Kotnik (Aalto University, Helsinki) Carlos Bañón (Airlab, Singapore)


    Computational Support

    LukaPiškorec (Aalto University, Helsinki)

    Kane Borg (Aalto University, Helsinki)

    Sourabh Maheshwary (Airlab,Singapore)

    Simon Rocknathan (Airlab, Singapore)


    Exhibition Support

    Tina Čerpnjak(Aalto University, Helsinki)

    Manuel Fonseca (Aalto University, Helsinki)



    Aino Maaike Hautala, Amirhossein Teymourtash, Anniina Norpila, Chengfan Yang, Cheong Yi Lei,Chiuki Lai, Chong Yin Yi Christy, Choo Ee Pin, Daniel Yong Kaijie, Egle Pilipaviciute, Eileen Wong,Elina Inkiläinen, Elizabeth Teo Mei Qin, Faezeh Sadeghi, FanyiJin, Grace Teo Yu Cheng, HaipengWang, Han Xianhe, Hkyet Zau Mun Aung, Ho Yu De Samuel, Hwang Jinwook, Iurii AleksandrovichShimin, Janne Jesper Keskinen, Jenna Maija Ahonen, Jiaqi Wang, Jinwook Hwang, Joel AnthonTiitinen, Joonas Hermanni Saarinen, Kai Antero Hakala, Kaisa Pauliina Kiuttu, Koichi Tamura, KyawZwa Thant, Lee Xuan Ying Diane, Liang Xiuling Chloe, Loviisa Luoma , Maiju Ilona Rinne-Kanto,Maral Alaei, Marjo Linnea Airamo, Mauricio Mari Jaelle Salas, Megan Chor Xin Yi , Mengwei Wang,Natalie Ng Jie Lin, Nora Sønstlien, Nur Amalina Bte Md Halim, Nurul Asyiqin Zahrin, Olga Zharkova,Petra Kaarina Suittio, Pheeraphat Ratchakitprakarn, Phoebe Kong Li Hui, Pirita Meskanen, QuekWen Jia Marcus, Riikka Hiltunen , Rosa Haukkovaara, Salvador Hernandez Gazga, Sandy Low Yu Xian, Saviana Rabea Theiss, Shuaizhong Wang, Soh Jia Ying, Solveig Sanden Døskeland, Solveig Vangen Paulsen, Sundaram Mohan Janani, Tamura Koichi, Tina Cerpnjak, Tone Thorbjørnsen, Tong Sheng, Tseng Yun Ching, Tuuli Tõniste, Way Way Yun Hlwar Thon, Xin Ding, Xinyan Li, Yang Funing, Ye Feng, Yilan Zhou, Yinan Xiao, Yiping Zhang, Yoo Fei Yi, Yuyang Shi, Zhang Bojun, Ziyi He 


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  • Leonardo Laser talks: Adaptation and Space

    Join us for four interesting presentations and a discussion on the theme of Adaptation and Space: the transformation of the contemporary environment and its challenges: the social, the infrastructural, the technological, the sensory, the virtual, the built and the unbuilt.



    • Oguzhan Gencoglu
    • Friederike Landau
    • Constantinos Miltiadis and
    • Shubhangi Singh.


    The event is moderated by Pia Fricker, Professor of Computational Methodologies in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, and Constantinos Miltiadis, doctoral candidate in Architecture and Design from Aalto University.


    Can we agree on what space is? Concepts, definitions and interpretations of space and of spatiality are essentially how we construct the world and by extent how we create means to intervene into that world, with our day-to-day practices. ‘Space’ thus accumulates plural constructs, poetic artifices that we collectively produce and reproduce through time, within our cultures, our sciences, our arts. Through the dimension of time, these are the spaces that serve as vehicles for adaptation and transformation, from the scale of the individual to that of collective societies and of the environment at large.


    Under the theme ‘Adaptation and Space’ this LASER Talk at Aalto University will intersect different practices and discourses as heterogeneous but complementary articulations of ‘space’, that address, operate on and contribute, in different ways and capacities, to the transformation of the contemporary environment and its challenges: the social, the infrastructural, the technological, the sensory, the virtual, the built and the unbuilt.


    More info to be found here:

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  • Thesis Title: Form Systems to Patterns and Back: Exploring the Role of Dynamic Patterns in the Area of Regional Planning

    Thesis Title: Form Systems to Patterns and Back: Exploring the Role of Dynamic Patterns in the Area of Regional Planning


    Student: Ayda Grisiute

    Supervisor: Prof. Pia Fricker


    The master thesis presents a data-driven framework to explore the role of dynamic time and direction patterns in the area of Finnish Lapland  and Arctic Ocean railway in order to improve decision-making in complex urban and landscape planning and design tasks. In an era marked by dramatic environmental, political and societal changes, the Arctic region becomes more global and complex. In order to cope with the increasing complexity in regional challenges, Systems Thinking, dynamic patterns, modelling and use of simulation are researched to open up anovel ways for complex regional planning methods.

    The project presents a dynamic, evidence-based planning and decision support tool called CityScope Lapland. The main goal of CityScope Lapland is to use digital technologies to incorporate dynamic variables in urban and landscape spatial analysis and methodology; secondly, to improve the accessibility of the decision-making process for non-experts through a tangible user interface, and third, to help users evaluate their decisions by creating a feedback through real-time visualization of urban simulation results.

    This is achieved by designing an agent-based model and using different representation and abstraction features for different dynamic data packages. The project is integrated within the GAMA simulation platform and embedded in the MIT City-Scope framework – a medium for both, analyzing agent’s behavioral patterns and displaying them to the stakeholders.

    The master thesis has been published and presented at the eCAADe 2020.

    More info to be found here:

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  • Helsinki Design Week & Designs for a Cooler Planet 2020

    Articulated landscapes: Sustainable future cities between architecture and landscape


    By viewing the city not anymore as a collection of independent attractive objects but rather as a systemic network of relationships, we can develop new approaches to our future challenges related to urbanisation.  

    The new approach aims at improved resilience of our urban environments and the activation of cities as active modulator of environmental conditions. 

    The design solutions propose new ways to engage with the surrounding urban and green systems and transform these concepts into an articulated landscape as new urban typology grounded in social and environmental sustainability. 

    The projects display solutions for climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and exhaustion of natural resources, in close cooperation with our surroundings.

    The exhibition is part of a long-term collaboration Aalto University and Singapore University of Technology (SUTD) and is part of the Asia Programme by the Finnish National Agency for Education


    Project team: 

    • Professor Pia Fricker, Professor Toni Kotnik, Luka Piskoreč, Kane Borg and Tina Cerpnjak (Department of Architecture at Aalto University)
    • Professor Carlos Bañón (Singapore University of Technology and Design)


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  • 2019 Festival of ideas, London

    Hawker culture in Singapore is an integral part of the way of life for Singaporeans but has come under increasing pressure. The exhibition explores the transformation of Hawker Centres into an articulated landscape as new urban typology grounded in social and environmental sustainability.

    Hawker culture in Singapore is an integral part of the way of life for Singaporeans but has come under increasing pressure. The exhibition explores the transformation of Hawker Centres into an articulated landscape as new urban typology grounded in social and environmental sustainability.

    Hawker culture

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